Serving you.
We are committed to either maintaining and improving our landowners farms. This entails everything from maintaining and managing drainage systems, waterways, buffer strips, noxious weeds, soil erosion, ditches, field approaches, terraces and soil fertility. We provide all our landowners with 3 acre grid soil sampling data to ensure them that we are maintaining or building their farms soil quality.
At Guentzel Family Farms Partnership we try to provide our landowners with a profitable return through top agronomic performance, exceptional management, stewardship and marketing. We continue to adapt our operation to the changes in production agriculture. We also continue to seek innovative ways to improve our operation.

We are always looking for new ways to improve our operation. Oftentimes this comes in the way of technological innovation. Our most recent large scale change was moving to a split nitrogen application. The theory behind this principle is to use nitrogen more efficiently, thus creating lower costs (and usage), higher yields, and less excess run-off. The one pass application in the fall is still very common. The problem with a single fall application is the fact that we know nothing about what the spring will provide. If it is generally wet we would experience the leaching of product in the draws and lower ground. However, if it is generally dry we would experience deficiencies on the hills. In both scenario’s you would either have to over-apply or come up short on some soil types . Applying “in season” allows us to cater to whatever mother nature has brought us. In addition to using two custom made side-dressing bars for “in season” application, we have utilized the Greenseeker RT200 System. This system verifies the amount of the nitrogen the soil has made available . This can vary on a year-to -year or even farm-by-farm basis. The system then gives real-time vigor maps to the rate controller and writes a nitrogen prescription for the bar to deliver. This allows us to apply the right amount, in the right place, at the right time with little to no over-application.
We also utilize geospatial soil samples in 3 acre grids on all our farms as a basis for fertilizer application. With site-specific management being implemented on our farms, there is a need to map the variability in nutrient needs across the fields. Soil tests measure the relative nutrient status of the soils and are used as a basis for profitable and environmentally responsible fertilizer application. These grid sample maps are then used to serve as a guide for variable-rate application of crop nutrients.
Auto Steer Equipment
We also have integrated auto-steer systems for most applications in the field. Our systems can be used on any piece of equipment. The auto-steer enables us to spend more time monitoring systems and doing quality control checks. It also cuts back on overlap and over application. It greatly reduces operator fatigue and allows us to work longer hours.
Variable Rate Seeding
We are now variable rate seeding our crop in order to more efficiently utilize our inputs. Hydraulic drives on the planter allows us to change the amount of seeds per acre we are planting. We prepare prescription maps based on soil type, fertility, and past yield data to determine the rate. We then can use our geospatial data to automatically change the seed population on the go.
Yield Mapping
We have been yield mapping for over 15 years. By yield mapping we are able to properly analyze the large amounts of data that is created throughout several years. Over the course of a year we may have over seventy different test strips. Our tests could include……planter depth/ down pressure/ population/ application speed/ hybrid comparisons/ tillage method/ Harvest yields nitrogen rates/ starter fertilizer rates/ tillage depth/ chemical plans/ fungicide application/ foliar nutrients/ field conditions/ residue management/ timing of nitrogen application or several other different variables. Our goal is to use this information to make better decisions. The data helps us determine the best management decisions for every acre. The information is also integrated into our accounting software to create reports on a farm by farm basis.
Integrated Management Software
We have been using Farm Works for software. This allows us to bring all our accounting information together with the specific farms. We are able to track supplies and inventories more closely. It is a valuable tool that creates a better understanding of every farm’s profitability.